The followings are tricks, tips and ideas for interior painting that you might find them helpful in making your painting job much easier.
Do wash and repair your walls or project item before you start your painting job. This preparation work seems taking a lot of time but the consequences of having an unattractive item or having to redo the project due to a repair that should have been done is also time consuming and will cost you dearly.
Do not paint directly out of a can as the paint can be contaminated by foreign material that dropped into it causing discoloration and unsmooth surface.
Do study a color wheel as different colors put in different mood and depth to a room.
Do not hesitate to experiment with color to avoid end up later choosing another color and repaint which will take you more time on the painting job.
Do bring a color chip home. This can be found in shops where paint is sold or the home decorating stores. Looking at the chip under the natural and artificial light, I’m sure you will surprise at the difference the pretty chip in the store turned out to be in your own home.
Do rub a small spot with a small cotton ball dipped in ammonia. The paint that comes off it can be latex based or else it’s oil based.
Do buy a small can of paint, get ready a sample board or a small area of your project piece and apply the technique for interior painting you have chosen. Different metals, plaster, and woods or if you are painting over an already painted surface or wallpaper will emit different hues and shades that may not be what you are expected for.
Do use plastic wrap around door knobs, hardware and phones to keep splatters off. You can cover your eyeglasses with this to protect them.
Don’t store your paintbrush in the freezer. The bristles become hard and easily damaged and the paint will not bind properly.
Do make sure the paint of the same lot number or color mixture is sufficient to finish your interior painting project.
Do choose the right kind of paint from either latex or oil based paint. Easy of use, quick dry, easy cleanable with water, excellent adhesion to a variety of surfaces are the main advantages that justify you to use latex paint. Oil based paint is water tight. The colors are deep and saturated and have fade resistance in sunlight. Oil based paint needs longer time to dry, can sag during application; can turn into yellowish look after years. Moisture can be sealed in if the surface is not dry and this can end up in rotten. Oil based paints have fumes and the clean up process is more complicated as it involves the use of solvents which are bad for the environment.
Do cover your furniture and floors with drop cloths as this will save you time needed for clean up and can prevent damage to your furniture.
Do look and smell your paint that has been stored. It could indicate mold is being grown if you can feel the mildew or earthy smell. If you find that the paint is dried out or a rust line appears inside of the can, then it should be disposed. Frozen paint won’t bind properly upon application even though it looks like usable.
Interior painting tips, ideas and tricks above have helped making my painting jobs easier in all these years. Hope it can be useful to you as well.
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