For a great looking paint job do what the professionals do: prime first, then paint. It's the key to a beautiful paint job. Here's why:
· Primers are much richer in resin than ordinary paint and stick to the surface to create a perfect "canvas" or base for your paint. They are great at sealing porous surfaces - like new drywall or new wood - so you'll actually use less paint, saving you time and money.
· Primers will hide previous colors - even the darkest blues and deepest reds - far better than paint alone and prevent them from showing through or changing the color of the topcoat. They'll make your new paint color look more vibrant and even.
· Most stains - water stains, crayon and marker, lipstick, nicotine and others - will bleed right through ordinary paint. Quality primers seal in stains and prevent them from ruining the paint job.
· Primers like Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 offer great adhesion, so you can paint over glossy, hard-to-paint surfaces like paneling, cabinets and semi-gloss paint without sanding. You just can't paint over glossy surfaces with a paint alone!
· And because primers are specifically formulated to prevent common paint problems, like cracking, peeling and blistering, they'll make any painted surface more durable, washable - and, last much longer!
If you tint your primer toward the color of your finish coat, you get all the benefits of priming, without adding an extra step. In fact, research shows that one coat of tinted primer and one coat of paint will give you a better looking, longer lasting paint job than two coats of paint. High-quality primer-sealers, like Bulls Eye 1-2-3 (for light & pastel colors) and Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Deep Tint (for medium and dark colors) are specially formulated for tinting. And tinting a primer is easy! Just ask your paint store or home center clerk to tint your primer when they mix up your paint.
Remember, if you want to paint like a pro, prime like a pro. For more helpful "tips" for a professional quality paint job, visit www.zinsser.com. Or, call Zinsser at 732-469-8100.
CAPTION: Prime first, then paint. It's the key to a beautiful paint job.
Keywords: home improvement paint job paint primer
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