A wall mural in a child's room can inspire imagination and provide a welcome retreat for a youngster. Murals can capture the magic of an undersea world, bring the hustle and bustle of a city street indoors, or showcase the rolling landscape of a farm. Tailor the mural to the child's interests.
There are many options available today for creating wall murals. Hiring a mural artist will be the most expensive option. There are also paint-by-number kits and self-sticking mural artwork to make the project easier for those who are not artists by trade.
A relatively easy idea for creating a mural or artistic focal point is to use an overhead projector and a simple piece of clip art. Find an image that pertains to the child's room theme. The image should be relatively simple in silhouette, without much shading or detail for easy transfer. Print the image out on transparency paper or trace it with markers onto the transparency paper (paper can be found at most office supply stores). Borrow an overhead projector from a school or church and project the image onto the wall of your choice. Move the projector closer or farther away from the wall to achieve the desired image scale. Then trace the image onto the wall with a pencil.
Use acrylic or latex paints, depending upon the size of the image, to fill in the picture. With a little time you have a professional looking mural and something that will amaze a little boy or girl.
Keywords:decorative gift children room mural wall paint
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